Security Cam Review

View CCTV from Mobile

This article discusses "how the process / how to look cctv from hp (mobile)", smartphones, tablets, and the pc / laptop / notebook. The first thing to understand is the network topology cctv, cctv devices are to be used and how the connection. Figure 1 below is a cctv system topology that will be / in-remote from the phone (in this case used analogue camera system - dvr).

Figure 1: Topology analog cctv system, click to enlarge


The cause of the video loss
DVR / Camera struck by lightning
  1. CCTV Camera damaged
  2. Damaged Camera adapter.
  3. Port Connector contained in DVR (Digital Video Recorder) is damaged.
  4. Power surge.
If Masbro n ya sis CCTV camera users, the question that arises when experiencing video loss.
how do I handle it yes. ??
Before you fix this problem, you must first know ama CCTV devices which would be improved include:
  1. Camera CCTV
  2. DVR (Digital Video Recorder)
  3. Adapter
  4. Connector

  1. CCTV Camera
     Function monitor and transmit video signals on a space then the signal will be transmitted to the screen

  1. DVR (Digital Video Recording)
     Function as a video recording device which is derived from the camera and then stored in a storage medium that is already in the DVR device and called a hard drive.
  1. Adapter
     Serves as a conductor of electricity to the CCTV camera.
  1. Connector
     Serves as liaison. This connector is attached at both ends of the coaxial cable. The other end is in the CCTV cameras, and the other is behind the DVR.
Well, once we know the devices CCTV us back to the problem we are discussing is about Video Loss and how to solve it ...
Jump aj ya ...
  1. Make sure the BNC connector installed perfectly in port on the back of the DVR.
  2. The exchange put the connector on the rear port DVR Video Loss suffered by the port connector on the camera looks functioning properly. Perhaps DVR port is damaged.
  3. Exchange adapter on camera with problems with the adapter that is functioning properly, it could be damaged adapter.
  4. Check the power cord is connected to the camera is problematic, perhaps broken or not connected properly.
  5. Exchange where the CCTV camera has a problem with CCTV camera in good condition, can be cameranya damaged.

Almost forgot, another for CCTV users who use the Central adapter and experience the same thing as above. In step 3 and 4 you can just check your central adapter and power cord that connects to the camera is problematic only.
This time is enough MPE real here first aj, ntar we continued again with CCTV laen problem again ....


Dns is to provide services to address the ever-changing ip ip so that the change will have a name by entering the id and password in the modem ip dyndns services we will always be updated every day at dyndns server so that it can be accessed even if the ip is constantly changing.

Currently free DynDNS is no 100% again, but yet as reliable enough, we still recommend its use.

Here we tell How to Register a Free DynDNS.

Power Line ( Network From Electricity )

Power line is a new technology that allows us to communicate through the medium of live electric wires in the ac mains voltage , high speed and capable of multi- stream video. It's truly a solution for manifold camera IPCAMERA frequently experience problems when sending data transmission causes the image was sluggish and intermittent.

POE (Power Over Network)

What is Power over Ethernet?

Power over Ethernet (POE) is a technology that lets network cables carry electrical power.

For example, a digital security camera normally requires two connections to be made when it is installed:
network connection, in order to be able to communicate with video recording and display equipment

power connection, to deliver the electrical power the camera needs to operate

However, if the camera is POE-enabled, only the network connection needs to be made, as it will receive its electrical power from this cable as well.

Power over Ethernet reduces the number of cables required to connect a POE IP camera

Why use POE?

Specifying Power over Ethernet brings many advantages to an installation:
Time and cost savings - by reducing the time and expense of having electrical power cabling installed.  Network cables do not require a qualified electrician to fit them, and can be located anywhere.

Flexibility - without being tethered to an electrical outlet, devices such as IP cameras and wireless access points can be located wherever they are needed most, and repositioned easily if required.

Safety - POE delivery is intelligent, and designed to protect network equipment from overload, underpowering, or incorrect installation.

Reliability - POE power comes from a central and universally compatible source, rather than a collection of distributed wall adapters.  It can be backed-up by an uninterruptible power supply, or controlled to easily disable or reset devices.

Scalability - having power available on the network means that installation and distributionof network connections is simple and effective.

Devices that use Power over Ethernet

POE has many applications, but the three key areas are:
VoIP phones - the original POE application.  Using POE means phones have a single connection to a wall socket, and can be remotely powered down, just like with the older analog systems.

IP cameras - POE is now ubiquitous on networked surveillance cameras, where it enables fast deployment and easy repositioning.

Wireless - Wifi and Bluetooth APs and RFID readers are commonly PoE-compatible, to allow remote location away from AC outlets, and relocation following site surveys.

How to upgrade to POE

Adding POE to your network is straightforward, and there are two routes you can choose:
POE switch is a network switch that has Power over Ethernet injection built-in.  Simply connect other network devices to the switch as normal, and the switch will detect whether they are POE-compatible and enable power automatically.
POE switches are available to suit all applications, from low-cost unmanaged edge switches with a few ports, up to complex multi-port rack-mounted units with sophisticated management.
Adding Power over Ethernet using a POE Switch

midspan (or POE injector) is used to add POE capability to regular non-POE network links.  Midspans can be used to upgrade existing LAN installations to POE, and provide a versatile solution where fewer POE ports are required.  Upgrading each network connection to POE is as simple as patching it through the midspan, and as with POE switches, power injection is controlled and automatic.
Midspans are available as multi-port rack-mounted units or low-cost single-port injectors.

Adding Power over Ethernet using a POE Midspan

It is also possible to upgrade powered devices, such as IP cameras, to POE by using a POE splitter.  The POE splitter is patched in to the camera's network connection, and taps off the POE power, which it converts into a lower voltage suitable for the camera.

You can use Poe injector Hub or singel injector the device like picture below :

POE HUB Injector

POE Singgel Injector

Solar Panel Powered Wireless IP Camera

Sometimes be a problem if there is no electricity remote areas we really need a camera monitors so that we feel more protected from harm and can monitor remotely garden / field from far away so that we avoid wild animals and thieves.

Solcam solar powered Wi-Fi wireless camera